APRIL 1, 2025!
A Rare Opportunity to Flip the House in 2025
Trump may have just handed us a game-changing opportunity. By nominating three sitting members of Congress to his cabinet, he triggered special elections that could shift control of the House this year—not 2026.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. With just three seats, we can block Trump and the GOP’s most extreme legislative agenda. The fight starts in Florida, where we must win two critical races:
📍 FL-01 – Gay Valimont is the Democrat running to replace Rep. Matt Gaetz
📍 FL-06 – Josh Weil is the Democrat running to replace Rep. Mike Waltz
Join us in the fight to flip the House and protect our democracy and public education!
Voter Information
Check Your Voter Status: Make sure your registration is up-to date! Click below to check your voter status, update your information, or register to vote.
Check My Status Register or Update
📬 Vote-by-Mail: Voting by mail? Request your ballot before March 20th! Click below to apply or track your ballot. (Remember, that in Florida you have to request vote by mail every year!)
Statewide Vote-by-Mail Request Form
➡️ Request Your Mail Ballot by County:
District 1:
Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton
District 6: Flagler, Volusia, St. John's, Marion, Lake
Already checked? Text a friend and remind them to check, too!

Important Dates:
Registration Deadline: March 3, 2025
Vote by Mail Request: March 20, 2025
Early Voting: March 22-29, 2025
Special Election Day: April 1, 2025

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Gay Valimont
Florida's 1st Congressional District
Valimont is THE pro-public education candidate! She is a mother, community leader, and activist in Pensacola, Florida who has devoted her life to improving public safety.
Sign-Up To Volunteer with Gay's Campaign
Josh Weil
Florida's 6th Congressional District
Josh Weil is THE pro-public education candidate! He is a teacher, father, leader, and cat dad from Central Florida who wants to help the people of Florida and make a brighter future for all of us!
Sign-Up To Volunteer with Josh's Campaign
Click on Contact!

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National Ground Game
We know that special elections are won based on WHO shows up!
National Ground Game is the grassroots-powered PAC that deploys organizers in all 50 states.
NGG sees the importance of these special elections and they are devoting all of their time and money from now until the election to get as many registered voters as possible in these special election districts.